Key Features
- Discover Data
- Discover News
- Discover Journals
- Discover References
- Discover Literature
- Open Access Search
- Access Journals
- Open Access Journal
- Open Access Publication
- Multidisciplinary Search
- Metadata
- Journal Platform
- Cheaper Access to Publications
A single discovery search engine for print and digital library resources.
EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) brings together the most comprehensive collection of content – including superior indexing from top subject indexes, high-end full text, and a library’s collection – all within an unparalleled, full-featured customizable discovery layer that is vendor-neutral and fully interoperable with other important library services. EDS supports integrated searching of content from full-text databases, citation databases, and local content collections such as library catalogs and other locally managed digital collections. The integrated search experience is achieved by compiling and indexing metadata from a variety of content sources into a unified pre-indexed search platform.